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[스크랩] 한 고독한 생애(One Solitary Life)



“한 고독한 생애"

                                 여기에 한 고독한 생애가 있노라
                                 그가 나신 곳은 이름 없는 한 벽촌
                                 그의 어머니는 보잘것없는 시골 여인
                                 그의 나이 삼십에 이르기까지 오히려 이름 없는 비천한 목수
                                 그 후 삼년, 그는 방황하는 전도자

                                 그에겐 한 권의 저서도 없으며
                                 그에겐 아무런 지위도 없으며
                                 그에겐 따듯한 가정도 없으며
                                 그에겐 대학의 학력도 없으며
                                 그에겐 큰 도시의 견문조차도 없으며
                                 그의 여행은 기껏 200마일도 못되는 거리

                                 진실로 그에겐
                                 세상의 소위 위대하다는 것이라곤 아무 것도 없이
                                 그가 내어 놓을 수 있는 이력서는 오로지 그 자신의 한 몸뿐
                                 그 자신의 삶은 또한 이토록 비참한 것
                                 삼년의 전도와 사랑의 실천 끝에도
                                 그에게 돌아온 것은
                                 오히려 무리들의 배척
                                 제자들의 배신과 부인
                                 그리고는 원수에게 넘기워 조롱과 심판을 받고
                                 마침내는 십자가에 못 박혀 죽기까지

                                 그러나 그 후 2000년이 흘러간 오늘
                                 그는 오히려 인류의 역사를 영도해 온 중심인물

                                 보라, 이 인류의 역사상에
                                 그토록 당당하게 호령하던 장군들은 얼마나 많았던가?
                                 그토록 중대하게 국사를 논의하던 정객들은 얼마나 많았던가
                                 그토록 화려하게 영화를 누리던 제왕들은 얼마나 많았던가

                                 그러나 이 모든 사람들로도
                                 인류 역사에 남기지 못했던 한 큰 일을 이룩하셨던 것은
                                 예수 그리스도 - 그의 한 고독한 생애~!


One Solitary Life


Here is a man who was born in an obscure village,
the child of a peasant woman.
He grew up in another village.
He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.

Then for three years He was an itinerant preacher.

He never owned a home. He never wrote a book.
He never held an office. He never had a family.
He never went to college.
He never put His foot inside a big city.

 He never traveled two hundred miles from the place


He was born. He never did one of the things

that usually accompany greatness.
He had no credentials but Himself...

While still a young man,
the tide of popular opinion turned against him.
His friends ran away.

 One of them denied Him. He was turned over to
His enemies.
He went through the mockery of a trial.

 He was nailed upon a cross between two thieves.

While He was dying His executioners gambled for
the only piece of property He had on earth ?

His coat. When He was dead,
He was laid in a borrowed grave through
the pity of a friend.

Nineteen long centuries have come and gone,
and today He is a centerpiece of the human race
and leader of the column of progress.

I am far within the mark when
I say that all the armies that ever marched,
all the navies that were ever built;
all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings

that ever reigned, put together,
have not affected the life of man upon this earth
as powerfully as has that one solitary life.


출처 : 하나의 뫼
글쓴이 : 한뫼 원글보기
메모 :

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